My new grandaughter with my son and No 1 grandaughter looking proudly at her. My son and daughter-in-law have named her Rebecca Elizabeth :)

Hi everyone :) sorry it has been so long since I last blogged (gosh has it realy been 3 months ).
Claire and Lisa have missed me and cheered me up no end with thier beautiful message to see how I am, it is so lovely knowing Im not just another face (blog) on here and people do care. Thank you :)
Also I hold my head in shame as Tina gave me a blog award before xmas and I just didn't get time to thank her and follow up with it.
Before xmas my hands really hurt so went to doc's and I have to have a small op (Feb 18th) so I have been sewing (as and when I can) as I have been asked by the girls at work to do a stall, they are holding a craft event for Mother's day on the 24th of March.
My other distraction was the birth of my second grandaughter on the 19th of Jan. She is just PERFECT lol and very much like her dad when he was born (never mind she will grow out of it lol).
I promise to keep up to date with my blog but for now off to sort all the pic' of my sewing projects so I can show you all :)
THANK YOU ALL again :) :) :)