I just don't know where time is going :(
I have not been up to doing much lately and been feeling sorry for myself so today I have decided to declutter my head and sewing and update my blog :)
1st this pic is my mum's birthday gift (she will now know as she reads this lol)
I wanted to give her something different and as I have a load of these frames (see pic's below lol) I had the idea to put parts of a map into heart. The top heart has where she was born, the second where she was living when she had me and my 2 sisters and the 3rd is where she lives now. The frame was painted with Farrow and Ball paint. I pleased how it turned out :)

I was in a charity shop last week and found this lovely little dressing table mirror with a little drawer. I have been after one for ages but they have always been too pricey for me, this one was £1.99 :) I have stared to paint it and hope to put it in my bedroom soon :)

Here are some frames I have a addiction to at the moment. I went to a carboot at my mums a few wks back and as we walked around I was picking a frame up frome each lane and as we went around they were getting cheaper lol. The 1st one was £2 for 2 then the last was 10p. These are usually about £4.99 in my local CS's.

I did manage to get some sewing done :) this glases case was for a friend at work, she want it for her sunglasses so the tropical fabric was ideal, I lined it with a cream fabric and put my little heart on the front. Im pleased to say she loves it :)

I am going to be doing a craft stall in August and wanted to put some tissue holders on it and when I saw these tissues I had to buy a load to go in them :) The top ones are Emma Bridgewater and the others look like a bundle of notes lol what fun to blow your nose on a £50 note lol.

I have still been buying fabric :) but I must not get any more for a while lol the top fabric is to make a kiddy art bag :)

I was a bit naughty and had to buy this wonderful fabric, not sure if it shows up but it has a sparkle to it :) I brought it from a seller on Etsy :) I love looking for fabric from America that is not here yet :)

Well thats it for now and I hope not to leave it too late before showing you all some more things I have done, brought and painted.