It is her 50th birthday on the 27th and as my hand is still plastered I am unable to sew the bag I had in mind for her :( Purple is her fav colour and she has this odd obsession with gnomes :O so this fabric was perfect for her.
I normally take about an hour from start to finish making these but this one took over 5 hrs lol
I found the lining fabric after a big sort out and had to use it before it got buried againWhile I was having a big tidy of all my fabric I decided I needed a very large storage tub for my WIP stuff so I made this tub to keep on my table :)
It now has more in it than this now lol
I managed a morning in town Monday, I have to get the train as driving is still a no no :(
This lovely box was in the 1st charity shop I went into and then I found the little bag of wooden alphabet beads
Space for my sewing machine feet and bits I need to put my hand to straight away instead of spending 10 mins looking for them
I was thrilled to bits to buy it for £3.99
If there are a few I tend to buy the lot even if they are the same clours lol 
This lovely table cloth kit was given to me when the manager found out I also love embroidery.
Before Christmas I went into Alfreton (Derbyshire) with my Daughter and just had to buy this sewing box for £14. I hope in the summer to paint it and put a transfer from the Graphics Fairy on to it but I still can't make up my mind what so it's a good job I have a while before painting it lol
Is it me or does any one else plan to do so much then a new magazine arrives in the post and the kettle goes on and that's it lol I am now off to read my Homemade mag and prob as it's 11am I won't get much more done today as I have to look after my Grandson so my Daughter can go see a movie :)
Hope everyone's weekend goes how they want :)
Best wishes,
Sue x